Update October 2024

This fall, club leadership, project committee members, and our professional team have begun in the value engineering of the project including architectural design, civil engineering and site plan development. As we collaborate with our team, we are navigating the permitting process with the city of Bainbridge Island (COBI) related to the development of a comprehensive plan for development at Wing Point Golf & CC. We are scheduled to present our Site Plan Review (SAR) with Design Review Board (DRB) in early November and get critical feedback towards our official building permit application which will be submitted to the city by the end of the year.

Elements of the plan which are currently under development (updated as of Nov.8th) which are required by the city include:

As these preconstruction steps are finalized, submitted through DRB hearings, and reviewed by the City of Bainbridge Island, we look forward to the important next steps in the Club Improvement Project.

Completion of the official construction documents over the next several months will become the primary focus with our architect, Charlie Wenzlau. Once document development is complete, the club and leadership committee will embark on the selection of our general contractor with process and bidding to take place in early spring.

Securing a construction agreement with our contractor will take place in the spring of 2025 with our sights set on a guaranteed max contract which will not exceed our member approved budget for the project. As we move forward with our contractor, a construction schedule will be set including building and construction phasing along with finalization of our budget.

The communication from club leadership regarding project updates, new or changing information, and exciting developments in the process will no doubt be a key moving forward. We plan to update the website when new information becomes available including updated design and renderings, site plan details, and permitting progress. We also plan to communication via club email at least once per month to keep members informed of project progress, timelines, and recent developments.

Our current project timeline is linked here. Also listed below is a list of our past project communication and member updates which we look forward to continuing. Our next update after our Design Review Board with the city and updates on the site plan, sometime in November of 2024.